Tính làm mà thấy file của LearnExcel hay quá nên thôi, với lại dạo này làm biếng quá, cuối năm bận quá.Gửi bởi BNTT
Tính làm mà thấy file của LearnExcel hay quá nên thôi, với lại dạo này làm biếng quá, cuối năm bận quá.Gửi bởi BNTT
' CÁCH DÙNG: VÍ DỤ: Solar2lunar(01,01,2009,7) số cuối là múi giờ
Option Explicit
Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979
Function jdFromDate(ByVal dd As Long, ByVal mm As Long, ByVal yy As Long) As Long
Dim a As Double, y As Long, m As Long, jd As Long
a = Fix((14 - mm) / 12)
y = yy + 4800 - a
m = mm + 12 * a - 3
jd = dd + Fix((153 * m + 2) / 5) + 365 * y _
+ Fix(y / 4) - Fix(y / 100) + Fix(y / 400) - 32045
If jd < 2299161 Then
jd = dd + Fix((153 * m + 2) / 5) + 365 * y + Fix(y / 4) - 32083
End If
jdFromDate = jd
End Function
Function jdToDate(ByVal jd As Long)
Dim a As Long, b As Long, c As Long, d As Long, e As Long, m As Long
Dim Day As Long, Month As Long, Year As Long
If (jd > 2299160) Then
a = jd + 32044
b = Fix((4 * a + 3) / 146097)
c = a - Fix((b * 146097) / 4)
b = 0
c = jd + 32082
End If
d = Fix((4 * c + 3) / 1461)
e = c - Fix((1461 * d) / 4)
m = Fix((5 * e + 2) / 153)
Day = e - Fix((153 * m + 2) / 5) + 1
Month = m + 3 - 12 * Fix(m / 10)
Year = b * 100 + d - 4800 + Fix(m / 10)
jdToDate = Array(Day, Month, Year)
End Function
Function NewMoon(ByVal k As Long) As Double
Dim T As Double, T2 As Double, T3 As Double, dr As Double
Dim Jd1 As Double, m As Double, Mpr As Double
Dim F As Double, C1 As Double, deltat As Double, JdNew As Double
T = k / 1236.85
T2 = T * T
T3 = T2 * T
dr = PI / 180
Jd1 = 2415020.75933 + 29.53058868 * k + 0.0001178 * T2 - 0.000000155 * T3
Jd1 = Jd1 + 0.00033 * Sin((166.56 + 132.87 * T - 0.009173 * T2) * dr)
m = 359.2242 + 29.10535608 * k - 0.0000333 * T2 - 0.00000347 * T3
Mpr = 306.0253 + 385.81691806 * k + 0.0107306 * T2 + 0.00001236 * T3
F = 21.2964 + 390.67050646 * k - 0.0016528 * T2 - 0.00000239 * T3
C1 = (0.1734 - 0.000393 * T) * Sin(m * dr) + 0.0021 * Sin(2 * dr * m)
C1 = C1 - 0.4068 * Sin(Mpr * dr) + 0.0161 * Sin(dr * 2 * Mpr)
C1 = C1 - 0.0004 * Sin(dr * 3 * Mpr)
C1 = C1 + 0.0104 * Sin(dr * 2 * F) - 0.0051 * Sin(dr * (m + Mpr))
C1 = C1 - 0.0074 * Sin(dr * (m - Mpr)) + 0.0004 * Sin(dr * (2 * F + m))
C1 = C1 - 0.0004 * Sin(dr * (2 * F - m)) - 0.0006 * Sin(dr * (2 * F + Mpr))
C1 = C1 + 0.001 * Sin(dr * (2 * F - Mpr)) + 0.0005 * Sin(dr * (2 * Mpr + m))
If (T < -11) Then
deltat = 0.001 + 0.000839 * T + 0.0002261 * T2 _
- 0.00000845 * T3 - 0.000000081 * T * T3
deltat = -0.000278 + 0.000265 * T + 0.000262 * T2
End If
JdNew = Jd1 + C1 - deltat
NewMoon = JdNew
End Function
Function SunLongitude(ByVal jdn As Double) As Double
Dim T As Double, T2 As Double, dr As Double, m As Double
Dim L0 As Double, DL As Double, L As Double
T = (jdn - 2451545) / 36525
T2 = T * T
dr = PI / 180
m = 357.5291 + 35999.0503 * T - 0.0001559 * T2 - 0.00000048 * T * T2
L0 = 280.46645 + 36000.76983 * T + 0.0003032 * T2
DL = (1.9146 - 0.004817 * T - 0.000014 * T2) * Sin(dr * m)
DL = DL + (0.019993 - 0.000101 * T) * Sin(dr * 2 * m) _
+ 0.00029 * Sin(dr * 3 * m)
L = L0 + DL
L = L * dr
L = L - PI * 2 * (Fix(L / (PI * 2)))
SunLongitude = L
End Function
Function getSunLongitude(ByVal dayNumber As Double, ByVal timeZone As Byte) As Long
getSunLongitude = Fix(SunLongitude(dayNumber - 0.5 - timeZone / 24) / PI * 6)
End Function
Function getNewMoonDay(ByVal k As Long, ByVal timeZone As Long) As Long
getNewMoonDay = Fix(NewMoon(k) + 0.5 + timeZone / 24)
End Function
Function getLunarMonth11(ByVal yy As Long, ByVal timeZone As Long) As Long
Dim k As Long, off As Double, nm As Long, sunLong As Double
off = jdFromDate(31, 12, yy) - 2415021
k = Fix(off / 29.530588853)
nm = getNewMoonDay(k, timeZone)
sunLong = getSunLongitude(nm, timeZone)
If (sunLong >= 9) Then
nm = getNewMoonDay(k - 1, timeZone)
End If
getLunarMonth11 = nm
End Function
Function getLeapMonthOffset(ByVal a11 As Double, ByVal timeZone As Long) As Long
Dim k As Long, last As Long, Arc As Long, I As Long
k = Fix((a11 - 2415021.07699869) / 29.530588853 + 0.5)
last = 0
I = 1
Arc = getSunLongitude(getNewMoonDay(k + I, timeZone), timeZone)
last = Arc
I = I + 1
Arc = getSunLongitude(getNewMoonDay(k + I, timeZone), timeZone)
Loop While (Arc <> last And I < 14)
getLeapMonthOffset = I - 1
End Function
Function Solar2Lunar( _
ByVal dd As Long, _
ByVal mm As Long, _
Optional ByVal yy As Long = 0, _
Optional ByVal timeZone As Long = 7) As String
Dim k As Long, diff As Long, leapMonthDiff As Long, dayNumber As Long
Dim monthStart As Double, a11 As Long, b11 As Long
Dim lunarDay As Double, lunarMonth As Long, lunarYear As Long, lunarLeap As Long
If yy = 0 Then yy = Year(Date)
dayNumber = jdFromDate(dd, mm, yy)
k = Fix((dayNumber - 2415021.07699869) / 29.530588853)
monthStart = getNewMoonDay(k + 1, timeZone)
If (monthStart > dayNumber) Then
monthStart = getNewMoonDay(k, timeZone)
End If
a11 = getLunarMonth11(yy, timeZone)
b11 = a11
If (a11 >= monthStart) Then
lunarYear = yy
a11 = getLunarMonth11(yy - 1, timeZone)
lunarYear = yy + 1
b11 = getLunarMonth11(yy + 1, timeZone)
End If
lunarDay = dayNumber - monthStart + 1
diff = Fix((monthStart - a11) / 29)
lunarLeap = 0
lunarMonth = diff + 11
If (b11 - a11 > 365) Then
leapMonthDiff = getLeapMonthOffset(a11, timeZone)
If (diff >= leapMonthDiff) Then
lunarMonth = diff + 10
If (diff = leapMonthDiff) Then lunarLeap = 1
End If
End If
If (lunarMonth > 12) Then lunarMonth = lunarMonth - 12
If (lunarMonth >= 11 And diff < 4) Then lunarYear = lunarYear - 1
Solar2Lunar = Format(lunarDay, "00") & _
"/" & Format(lunarMonth, "00") & _
"/" & Format(lunarYear, "0000 \A\L") & IIf(lunarLeap, " (" & lunarMonth & " N)", "")
End Function
Function Lunar2Solar( _
ByVal lunarDay As Long, _
ByVal lunarMonth As Long, _
Optional ByVal lunarYear As Long = 0, _
Optional ByVal lunarLeap As Long = 0, _
Optional ByVal timeZone As Long = 7) As Date
Dim k As Long, a11 As Long, b11 As Long, off As Long, leapOff As Long
Dim LeapMonth As Long, monthStart As Long
If lunarYear = 0 Then lunarYear = Year(Date)
If (lunarMonth < 11) Then
a11 = getLunarMonth11(lunarYear - 1, timeZone)
b11 = getLunarMonth11(lunarYear, timeZone)
a11 = getLunarMonth11(lunarYear, timeZone)
b11 = getLunarMonth11(lunarYear + 1, timeZone)
End If
k = Fix(0.5 + (a11 - 2415021.07699869) / 29.530588853)
off = lunarMonth - 11
If (off < 0) Then off = off + 12
If (b11 - a11 > 365) Then
leapOff = getLeapMonthOffset(a11, timeZone)
LeapMonth = leapOff - 2
If (LeapMonth < 0) Then LeapMonth = LeapMonth + 12
If (lunarLeap <> 0 And lunarMonth <> LeapMonth) Then
Lunar2Solar = Array(0, 0, 0)
Exit Function
ElseIf (lunarLeap <> 0 Or off >= leapOff) Then
off = off + 1
End If
End If
monthStart = getNewMoonDay(k + off, timeZone)
Dim R
R = jdToDate(monthStart + lunarDay - 1)
Lunar2Solar = Date******(R(2), R(1), R(0))
End Function
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File của bạn rất hay. Mình muốn hỏi về việc chọn năm trong sheet "Lịch Thang", cụ thể mình muốn thêm năm 2013 thì phải vào đâu đế thay đổi, Trong file này hạn chế đến năm 2012 thôi. Cám ơn nhiều.
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Quả là rất hay, giờ mới tò mò đọc và tìm hiểu. Nhưng hơi tiếc là giới hạn thời gian quá. Bài này chắc làm lâu lắm rồi nên ở thời gian hiện tại bị lỗi [IMG]images/smilies/a12.gif[/IMG]